Saturday, May 5, 2007

And the Gods Smile...

A low CFM Rate (3.2), coupled with low Gin-Clear water & cold water temps (47) proved to be difficult conditions. Yet if you grind it out and bring your "A-Game" , the rewards can be ten-fold!

23" s of Grand R. Brown'age.. 'Nuff said..


BCM said...

Beautiful Steve! I'm hoping to break out the fly gear and head up to the UC this week. Hopefully, I'll have something to report.

Trotsky said...

I hate you.

SD said...


Maybe I can take ya for a "tour" through there one day ?

Trotsky said...

That be cool...I could use a little help. I am useless.
.....damn fish.

SD said...

I'd say mid-June is your "best shot" for some sizable fish..

Lemme know what weekend would work fer ya & we can hook up for a day tour..