Much could be said about the etiquette/respect proper or lack thereof in our particular 'lil sub-culture of 'Pin'ers. Especially when making purchases within said community.
However, the
"Voluntary Beatdown Faction shows ya hows it's done proper. No fuss or big deal.. It's just done..Read on..
how-to-sell-some-shit-and-get-respectSee now that shitz is what's lacking in this 'lil so called community these days. A 'lil touch of class can go along way to establishing yourself as a "Class A" 'Pinner thru & thru... Something that is sorely lacking these days...
As you can surmise I was givin the dirty on a recent purchase, that was, well...sub-par to say the least...The above article just reminded me of this past deal & how easily some people can ruin an already decent reputation in the mere blink of an eye, by not following thru on their plans..
Yes, I'm a lil bent about it... Then again, I expect alot during a deal, as I give it my full attention until all is said n done (just the way it is)
Honestly people get your stink sorted out
before you list or email about an item being sold not after the greens have changed hands!
S'all I'm saying...