Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Just finished reviewing Howard Films newest release Location X. Jamie Howard has yet again provided footage comprable to his previous two releases. For a this newly professed Tarpon nut like myself stuck here in the "Great White North" it provides a fix until I'm able to travel South next April, even if it is just a temporary fix...

The footage quality is intense, yet I'm wondering why it was edited in the same TV format once transfered onto DVD. It tends to break the ambiance set into place by both the surroundings & music. Quiet possibly it is too keep the TV version alive to the home viewer? Personally I think an edited version ala TBD 1 & 2 or "Running DOwn the Man would be better suited.. Just sayin..

That aside, it is done in Jamie's typical fashion. Quality footage of extremely LARGE Tarpon, eating bugs readily! Sometimes, as close as 5" from the Skiff. There's also the infamous "wading" footage. An Angler waist deep on a flat with two Large 'Poon circling at his feet for multiple shots !

Overall another decent addition to Jamie's growing collection of avail Hi-Def DVD series!

So what next for the Howard Film crew ?

Enter... Chasing Silver 2.. "The Final Journey"

Jamie & Crew are back in the FLA Keys with renowned angler Andy Mill for the final installment of Chasing Silver. There's no current "Teaser" posted, but once posted on Jamie's site, I'll provide an update here.

Which brings to light a simple question. When will Howard films focus on other Saltwater notables like Reds', Stripers' or even the expanding Shark on Fly venues ? One thing is certain, I highly doubt Howard Films is far from done...

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